Flexible Car Lease was a tester project for Cocoon Vehicles. They wanted us to show them how they could look after their websites by updating their vehicle lists with ease to save time and money.
We built the website on WordPress using a modifed Car Dealer WordPress Theme that had to be re-written from the ground upwards to take into account the complex fields that needed to be displayed on each and every vehicle, whilst remaining friendly to the customer and google.
The website has specific importers to enable the team at Cocoon to upload either a CSV file full of vehicles or feed in from an XML feed provider by their suppliers. Whilst at the same time pulling in static information from a database and displaying the relevant images from an extensive library.
This is one of 7 websites we have completed fro Cocoon Vehicles so far, for which they were extremely happy with the results, enabling us to take on their huge website utilising the same code and technologies.